After getting my IC diagnosis, I used to be so afraid to drink alcohol. Of course, I did it because I was in college, but I truly suffered the consequences after a night out (I called it a “bladder hangover”) Fast forward to now and I’m able to drink alcohol with ZERO fear of it triggering my symptoms. There are 2 parts to this… Alcohol doesn’t bother my bladder anymore I no longer fear it. I’m confident that even if a drink flared me, I could manage the flare quickly and move on. The key to getting my bladder pain, frequency, and urgency to calm down? ✅ Identifying my 2 root causes & addressing them. Root cause
#1: Pelvic floor dysfunction Treatment for this included pelvic floor PT, using a pelvic wand, and minimizing stress Root cause
#2: Nervous system dysregulation Addressing this looked like: meditation, brain retraining, lots of therapy Addressing these root causes allowed my symptoms to calm down, and any diet sensitivities I had disappeared. After realizing I could tolerate bladder irritants, like alcohol again, I built up confidence over time to consume things like an espresso martini without fear. Because I know that even if I do flare up (99% of the time will be due to stress) I know it’s only temporary and I know exactly how to treat it. If you want relief from your bladder symptoms, it’s time to start investigating your root cause(s). Comment “HELP” if you want to learn how I can help you get relief in 2025!
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