#ImmuneHealth on TikTok: Boosts, tips, and tricks! Discover vitamins, diet, and lifestyle hacks. Explore expert advice, recipes, and wellness routines to strengthen your body's defenses. Learn to thrive!
**Your #1 Trigger Might Surprise You...** Even before stress, the biggest trigger for outbreaks is a **low immune system**. And guess what? Stress contributes to a weakened immune system AND poor gut health—they’re all connected! Over **70% of your immune system lives in your gut**. If you’re not living a lifestyle that supports gut health, baby, outbreaks may be something you’re constantly dealing with. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. It’s time to get on board. It’s time to get healthy. That means cutting out: 🚫 Highly processed foods 🚫 Refined and artificial sugars 🚫 Foods pumped with preservatives If you’re ready to stop your outbreaks, learn your triggers, understand your symptoms, and live a lifestyle that supports freedom from outbreaks, I’ve got you covered. 💚 Become a Cousin today by heading to the link in my bio and joining the Resource Hub! Let’s take the first step together. #GutHealth#HerpesCoach#MinimizeOutbreaks#ImmuneHealth#StopOutbreaks#HerpesSupport#RestoreYourGut#HealthyLiving#ShanaSingleton#HerpesEducation#SelfHealing#CousinsOnly