here are 3 simple ways to reclaim your time and create more magical moments with your kids—without the screen👇🏼✨ hit FOLLOW if you’re looking to quit the scroll this year with me & SHARE with a mama friend to help keep you accountable✨ 1) TURN OFF NOTIFICATIONS — this one is the simplest & easiest to implement. without a million notifications begging for your attention throughout the day, it forces you to be more intentional about physically going to an app to check notifications. this also prevents the inevitable doomscrolling when you tap on the ig app 50 times a day🫠 2) set strict boundaries with your phone — this will look different for each family! we don’t allow phones at the dinner table & I am desperately trying to implement a “no phone in the morning” policy for myself. this one is a work in progress because it’s HARD to not check my phone first thing. but our mornings start off a million times better & im more connected to my babies. connection is the foundation of healthy relationships, so im trying really hard to connect FIRST & check in later! 3) find a hobby to fill your time that you usually spend scrolling — it could be reading, crafting, exercise, anything! let your kids see you investing your time wisely! our habits become theirs🥲 this can also be kid-friendly: reading kids books aloud, doing crafts together or inviting them into your crafting & teaching them, exercising together, getting some fresh air together, etc! I don’t want my phone to be a barrier between me & my kids’ connection. or between my husband & I! it takes intentional time & it’s NOT easy. I’m focusing on progress over perfection this year, knowing that every time I say “no” to my phone, it will get easier. a “no” to my phone is a “yes” to connecting with myself & my family💛 I’d love for you to join me this year as I really try to quit the mindless scrolling! life is simply too short to waste it online. life should be lived right where your feet are planted✨
#motherhoodunplugged #doomscrolling #intentionalmotherhood #mindfulmama #2025goals #intentionalparenting #toddlermom