💰The answer has more to do with your risk tolerance, your personal financial situation and how important working at a company that you love is to you.
1️⃣ If you are career minded and you want to work somewhere that provides you with opportunities and challenges where you feel valued, and it feels like the right fit for you. Then your answer is C, decline the offer and wait for your dream company to make you an offer.
✳️ Pro-tip, once you have received an offer you should call your first choice and say, “Just wanted to let you know that I have received an offer however you’re my first choice, and I am checking in on your timeline as to when I might expect an offer?”
2️⃣ If you have been unemployed for a while and your savings in dwindling, you will most likely pick A.
3️⃣ If you’re savvy and have a high-risk tolerance you will ask for more time.
✳️Here’s the script on how to do that, “Thank you so much for the offer. I need a few days to think it over and talk it over with my wife. When do you need an answer?” When they reply and say, “No problem, take as much time as you’d like” you reply with “Thank you so much I will be in touch very soon”
Then you take your offer and reach out to the company where you want to work and say, “Ive received an offer however you are my first choice….” See the pro-tip above.
✳️ If, when you reach out to your first choice, they say. “Sorry we are not at the offer phase yet.” Then you accept the offer that you have. Or if you really don’t want to work there you can decline and take your chances. It is a very personal decision.
🤝No matter what you do in order to not get your offer that you do have rescinded I would be communicative and clear so they are not confused. And if you want to negotiate the offer,
#joboffer #jobsearch #jobinterview #salary #salarynegotiation #corporate #whowantstobeamillionaire