Now starts the next chapter of helping her to feel better! ❤️ backstory ::: I’ll do my best to summarize what’s going on for those who haven’t followed this health journey. For the last 5-6 years, Kay has suffered with a range of issues; fatigue, fevers, rashes, stiffness, and body aches, to name a few. When these issues got worse and worse, she started going to doctors to figure out what was wrong. Her doctors always gave different answers and would put her on medications that were horrible for her, and wouldn’t work. She never got a straight answer, and was always standing up for herself and recording all of her symptoms, to show the doctors that they might be wrong. There was always just guesses by the doctors and never a straight diagnosis, and so she started to do more research and understand her lab work. She started to notice that she had many of the issues from one illness, but when she would bring it up to doctors, they’d always say that it may be that but maybe not, and they would always chase different illnesses. Finally, about 6 months ago, kay went off of all of her medicine. She knew that the medicine that she had been trying was messing up the lab work that was being taken. So she hurt for months and months while trying to take no medicine so that her labs would hopefully tell her what was wrong. She had the test done, and it finally showed things that it had never shown before. She took it to her doctor, and her doctor finally decided that Kay was right all along. Now she is starting a new medication that specifically treats the illness that Kay has. And we will see if she finally feels relief after all of these years! It sucks that Kay has this illness, but now we can use the proper medication to help her to live a more normal life! ❤️
#kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #pregnant #postpartum