We love our belly birth mamas!! We see you belly birth mamas, and if anyone makes you feel grief for not having a “natural” (I HATE THIS TERM!!) birth, tell them to step the stink back. Join Calm Mama Society and get prepared for your Belly birth! Our Full C-section Birth Class is included FOR FREE as a member! See link in bio! 👉🏼You are a hero in my book, you not only gave birth, but also had major abdominal surgery, and then....on top of it all, you had to.....TAKE CARE OF ANOTHER HUMAN!! WTH! NO other surgical patients have to take care of a new person, they usually get taken care of.... A C-section is a major surgical procedure that carries a lot of risks. The most common risks of a Cesarean birth include: infection, excessive bleeding, blood clots, injury to the baby or mother during surgery, reactions to anesthesia, and increased risk of injury for future pregnancies. Infection is one of the most commonly reported complications in C-section deliveries; infection can occur at the site of the incision on the abdomen or uterus. Excessive bleeding is another major risk associated with Cesarean delivery as the procedure involves an incision through multiple layers and organs in order to deliver the baby. Mama’s who have a belly birth are at risk for developing a blood clot following a C-section due to their immobility during recovery. During any surgical procedure, there is also a risk that the mother or baby may be injured due to improper technique or other factors. In other words....HERO!!! 👇🏼Comment and share where you are in your Belly Birth Journey cesareanbirth
#csection #csectionrecovery #pregnant #scheduledcesarean #bellybirth #labornursemama