One of the main tenets of yoga philosophy is NON ATTACHMENT. This means letting go of wanting things to be a certain way — and rather, accepting them as they are. This includes the job that doesn't serve us, the relationship we've outgrown, a specific outcome, the pose we want to nail, the award we want to win… you get the idea. This idea is deeply woven into our yoga practice and yoga philosophy. If you’ve been following my Yoga Philosophy 101 series, you're likely familiar with the Yamas & Niyamas, which are ethical principles or moral guidelines outlined in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. The fifth Yama (or restraint) is Aparigraha, which translates to 'non-attachment.' The one truth of this life is that everything is always changing, and Aparigraha challenges us to meet each moment with an open heart rather than showing up with the expectation of a specific outcome. When we stop clinging to what we think life (or our practice) should look like and instead make peace with what is, we open the door to true freedom and joy in the present moment. So, here’s your challenge: 🧘♀️ The next time you step on your yoga mat, let go of expectations. Don’t obsess over nailing your handstand or making your practice look “perfect.” Instead, practice because it’s good for you and because 💡 Off the mat, when life feels chaotic, or you’re clinging onto a specific outcome, ask yourself: Can I let go and embrace what’s unfolding instead? These principles, when applied intentionally, can transform not just your yoga but your entire life. 🔴 Ready to explore yoga philosophy on a deeper level? Click the l!nk in my b!o to check out my No Bullsh*t Yoga Philosophy Course so you can start living your yoga today! . . .
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