A great way to store all those new sets from Christmas, and all those Christmas themed sets for next year! **Bags are linked in my Amazon Storefront (in my bio) under “LEGO” (I’m using the large size, but these bags also come in a smaller size for those smaller sets) My girls love building and rebuilding their sets. It’s their favorite part! They build a set, play for it for as many days/weeks as they want, and when they’re done, we put it away for another day! We also have a few large bins of assorted, mixed up Lego for free-play style! This way of storing is just for the sets. And yes, we do just throw the boxes away in recycling. We’re not Lego collectors here, just little Lego builders!
#legostorage #legoorganization #homeorganization #playroomorganization #legohacks #legostorageideas #momhack #satisfyingvideos #organizewithme #playroomstorage