December 21st is the Winter Solstice! While we don’t have any woodcuts in our print shop for the winter season, we thought we would share a winter related cut, Lewis Winter that is! If you've watched our videos of the print shop on social media, you've probably heard the name Lewis Winter referenced as the collection containing many of our woodcuts and electrotypes (copies of woodcuts). Who was Lewis Winter though? Winter was a woodcut artist and engraver, who had his business at 627 J Street from 1888 to 1910. After closing his business, he would go on to teach art at Sacramento High School until 1925. Lewis Winter passed away in January 1930. The Lewis Winter Collection was donated to the Center for Sacramento History in 2000 by Bill Gaylord, a former museum docent at the Sacramento History Museum. Within the collection are boxes of woodcuts, electrotypes, and halftones made 110 to 138 years ago that we print for some of our videos. In this video, Jared prints one of Lewis Winter’s business logos, this one being an electrotype, that was made about 130 years ago. This was printed with rhodamine red rubber base ink using our Washington hand press.
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