Did you know dementia falls under the neurodivergent umbrella? What we teach is helpful for people who are neurodivergent in many ways, and we use the principles in our own life, as you can see here. Even in dementia, we find that providing the supports needed to let someone do things themselves, even if it takes longer, not only decreases anger and fear, but often leads to increased or slower loss of independence. Sometimes you don’t have the time to let your person do a task, and that’s okay. Other times though, consider if it’s an okay time to have your person do the task. If your person seems to not be able to do any tasks or no matter what you do there are certain tasks they can’t do, then learning more about the Montessori care method can help. Often when my clients show me how they are assisting with the task, there are just a few changes we make to make the task accessible for their person with dementia again.
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