I think I’ve learned how to describe the “album” (and now live) scream to all of you. First. You need to be fully warmed up. My warm up is still: 20-30 minutes of head voice scales with various “sound resonances” like the Ron Anderson warm ups I’ve used to condition for this last decade. You can get these from my JTC masterclass or a rough version in my YT members, or just use whatever method you love to warm up with. 10-20 minutes of head voice singing of known material. I hit the highest sung trivium songs purely in “Bee Gees”/ “Halford” / “kind diamond” voice 5-10 mins of first lowest range known songs, that progressively go higher in range, bridging the gap of chest, mix, mixed head voice, just head voice. Then I let out a big “HWAH!” As a loud non technical scream. Next. Closed mouth, small teeth, make a sound like you’re grunting like Macho Man Randy Savage and/ or like you’re picking up a weight/ taking a 💩. That should place it if you warmed up right. Swipe for a surprise! * * * Here’s yours truly tracking something for a video game that I can’t talk about. Rockin my a30s because I love em and am used to the sound. Recording vocal tip from me: have an ear plug in the left ear, headphone can fully on, on the other ear - no ear plug, with the can half pulled off. It’s my an excellent way to monitor pitch/ sound of vocals. Use c o d e KIICHI on all things Logitech G.
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