Are you happy with your life? Do you feel good about yourself and the choices you’re making? Do you love who you’ve become and the life you’ve created for yourself? Or is there something missing? God wants you to live the life you desire. That’s why He gave us free will. So is this the life you desire? If not, it’s up to YOU to take responsibility and change your behavior. Wishing things were different, hoping things will get better, and trying to make changes won’t cut it. You have to actually commit to yourself and DECIDE that you deserve better from yourself. That you are worth investing your time, energy, and attention in to create the life you actually desire. Once you make that decision, you’ll no longer tolerate your bullshit excuses, lazy behavior, and self-sabotaging habits. You’ll realize that you are meant for more. You are meant to live a life of supreme health, ultimate freedom, and immense joy as you live your purpose, sharing your gifts with the world. You are meant to live an intentional life. A life of meaning, excitement, and passion. Is this how you exist now? Or are you riddled with distractions, self-doubt, and fear? You’re seeing this for a reason. It’s time to step into your true power, your power to CHOOSE a better life for yourself. If you’d like support on this journey, there’s only 3 days left to sign up for my 90-day self-mastery mentorship, The Captain’s Lifestyle Program. In The Program, you’ll learn how to revitalize your worn out body, reprogram your self-limiting beliefs, and rejuvenate your spirit FOR GOOD! No more slipping back into your bad habits and falling off track. For the next 12 weeks, you’ll hop on a call with me as I guide you through your journey of self exploration. Some of the things you’ll discover may be quite scary, don’t worry, I’ve heard it all. As long as you’re willing to show up, be honest with yourself and DO THE WORK, it’s impossible for you to fail. Comment “PROGRAM” to learn more and I’ll send you the link to join us. Our next call is this Sunday. Hope to see you there, if not, good luck on your own 🫡 Together, we will