The color of a chicken egg is primarily determined by the chicken's genetics: ✅Breed The breed of the chicken indicates the color of eggs it will produce. For example, Leghorn chickens lay white eggs, while Orpington chickens lay brown eggs, and Ameraucana chickens lay blue eggs. ✅Pigments As eggs travel through the hen's oviduct, pigments are deposited on them, causing them to change color. For example, Ameraucana chickens have the pigment oocyanin deposited on their eggs, which permeates the entire shell, making the egg both blue on the inside and outside. Brown eggs are caused by the deposition of the pigment protoporphyrin, which happens late in the shell formation process. ✅Inheritance Genetic traits from both the rooster and the hen determine the type and intensity of pigments, which results in different eggshell colors. So, in short, different breeds of chickens deposit different pigments on the shell as it forms, changing its exterior - and sometimes its interior - shell color @Meyer Hatchery 🥚🐓
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