Do you struggle making new friends in midlife? This topic comes up often in my community and will be part of my Confidence Collective workshops next year. So many find it challenging—how to make new friends at this age, where to meet and find new friends, being scared to put yourself out there for fear of being rejected. It’s a common thread that becomes tougher when we are faced with changes like new jobs, empty nest syndrome, divorce in midlife, etc. I have always felt very lucky and at ease in putting myself out there in new friendships. When I feel a connection, I call it out. Sure, there’s always a chance that the other person won’t feel it and may reject me, but it’s a chance I’m willing to take. Because my deepest and most profound friendships have been born this way— in a fleeting connection in a women’s room, on a dance floor, at a mutual friend’s party. And you know what? I’ve never been rejected. Because they felt it too. Someone just has to be brave enough to say it. It’s no different than when we were kids… sometimes you just have to walk up to somebody on the playground and ask them if they want to play. 😉 So I want to give you a challenge: when you feel a connection, say you feel it. Put yourself out there. Take the chance. You never know… You might just meet your new best friend. 📣WANT TO BE MORE CONFIDENT? send me a DM with your email address and I will add you to my waitlist for the Confidence Collective workshops coming in 2025!
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