Behind every mama who lifts is... A whole life of caring for others. She doesn’t just go home, eat protein, and rest. She has to juggle work commitments, help with homework, and check off a long list of to-dos to manage a household. Before she can sit down and have her meal, she has to ensure everyone is fed, the laundry is done, and the kitchen is tidy. She wipes tears, offers encouragement, and listens to dreams and fears. She teaches valuable lessons, disciplines when necessary, and instills the values that will help her children grow into kind and capable individuals. She schedules doctor’s appointments, negotiates bedtime disputes, and finds creative solutions to everyday challenges. She celebrates milestones—big and small—and offers a shoulder to cry on during tough times. With a heart full of love, she balances the demands of work and family, often putting her own needs last. She is the cheerleader on the sidelines, the confidante in the middle of the night, and the guiding hand that shapes their future. In other words, she doesn’t just raise the weights at the gym; she raises children, too.
#MomLife #MomsWhoLift #FitMom #RaisingWeightsAndChildren