I have lived in South Carolina for the last three years… I am moving back home to be closer to family and start a new career. I moved down to South Carolina three years ago immediately after college to start my teaching career after two years of teaching I decided that maybe teaching wasn’t for me and I left to work ayb palmetto running company. I learned my love for things outside of teaching, and I met some really cool people along the way. I have grown and developed as a runner and a person throughout living completely solo down in South Carolina and I’m so proud of myself for making the solo move and finding a great community of people. If you’re ever looking for somewhere, cool the visit, I would highly recommend Savannah Georgia and Bluffton South Carolina. I was in @HOKA honesrly for a lot of my runs and teaching things, and for that thank you! love always SC!!!
#movinghome #scliving #blufftonsc #movingawayfromhome #freshstart #lifeaftercollege #runner #movingaftercollege #coastalsc #coastalsouthcarolina