“The DEEPER your SADHANA, the less affected you become by the drama and distractions of the world.” Your point of focus is and has always been the most precious thing that you have that is completely in your hands. But that’s the thing, when there are thousands of things outside of you doing their best to take your attention, the likelyhood of us giving our focus to things that don’t really serve is HIGH. If we are not engaging in a practice that gives us the opportunity to powerfully TAKE our power BACK, then we will become and stay lost, confused, and overstimulated by the sea of information and content that is constantly trying to steal our focus. I’ve known the powers of meditation since I was very young, and it’s a part of my calling here to remind you of its power so sometime tomarrow I will be making a follow along guide to this incredible practice that I try to do every single morning to center, connect, and remind myself of what this whole life thing is really all about. Stay tuned! ✨🧚🏼 #