2024 you were nothing I anticipated and everything I needed. I was pushed in ways I never thought were possible, I took leaps of faith I always thought I would be too scared to try, and I lived more of life than I have in a really long time. I closed chapters that didn’t serve me, I opened myself up to the thought of “why not”, I had some gut wrenching goodbyes, and some amazing new hellos. I adopted another cat, I started NOLA Speed Dating, I traveled to Europe, I worked with @CaesarsSuperdome, @New Orleans Saints, and the @smoothiekingcenter. I got to go to concerts and go to lunches and laugh and dance through the streets. This may have been the most emotional year of my life, but it was also the most freeing. And if it’s any indication of what’s in store for 2025, I know I’ll be sitting here a year from now truly amazed at everything that happened because I trusted the process. A lot can happen in a year 🫶🏼
#josiebalka #2024 #2024inreview #newyear #happynewyear #nolaspeeddating #trusttheprocess #alotcanhappeninayear #nolablogger #neworleansblogger @Josie Balka