Four years in the books! On this day in 2021, I set out on my own to give my entrepreneurial spirit a chance at the American Dream. I left behind a safe, but unfulfilling corporate job to do something I had almost no experience at, but loved how it made feel when working. I took the risk, put my head down, and worked harder than I ever had. I am so proud of everything I’ve accomplished these last few years. I’ve experienced a wide range of emotions and outcomes including victories, defeats, elation and exhaustion. But no matter what moment I’m in, I’ve kept moving forward, trying not to get too high or too low. Because for me, it’s about enjoying the journey, rather than the final destination. I cannot thank you all enough for the support that you’ve shown me over the years. I will continue to try to give that back to you ten fold by providing valuable content to help you all learn and grow. I cannot wait to see what Year 5 has in store for not only this channel, but also my new venture @MKR Supply. If you’re on the edge about starting something new, I encourage you to go for it. You’ll never know what could be unless you do. Trying and failing is better than not knowing what could have been. We all learn and get better from failures. It’s the quickest way to grow!
#anniversary #SmallBusiness #communityovercompetition #maker #makersgonnamake #artist #thunderlaser #custommade #woodworking #cncwoodworking #onefinity