Over 100,000,000 sharks are killed EVERY YEAR😱😔😔 The
#1 cause of this mass killing is for shark fin soup: a delicacy dish in many foreign countries. However, this soup has enough mercury in 1 serving for your entire lifetime! It is also extremely wasteful, only using 2% of the shark. Shark culling, fishing, marine debris, plastic pollution, and bycatch also play huge roles in shark & marine life deaths per year. Encourage fishermen to cut lines as quickly and as short as possible if they do catch a shark 🦈 Shop sustainable seafood or choose to eat less seafood in order to limit your demand for commercial fishing and bycatch🎣 Learn more so that you can educate others about how important sharks are and that we CAN
#COEXIST 🦈💙 Dive with us for a chance to coexist with these amazing creatures and learn all about shark biology, behavior, safety, and conservation @ OneOceanDiving.com 🎥 💭 @Ocean Ramsey Sharks
#ocean #savesharks #conservation #sharkcull #sharkfishing #bycatch #marineconservation #stop #masskillingsharks #marinelife #plasticpollution #marinedebris #savetheocean #savethesharks #savetheplanet #oneocean #diving #dive #travel #oahu #hawaii #sharkid_alyssa