I hope I’m deleting this in 2 days and all is back to normal, but on the off chance that is NOT the case- I sure hope that you all would consider finding us on another channel! We’re active on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and even Pinterest and Redbook and you can search for my name or just The Forge House! On a personal note, TikTok as a platform doesn’t matter to me, but what we’re grieving a bit is the loss of the close network and “friendships” we’ve developed with the people who have supported us, offered advice, entertained us, and generally made us feel like we haven’t been alone for the last few years. Thank you for everything, and so long (for now!) Also- in case they don’t cancel the app (trump says he won’t) then maybe just don’t unfollow/delete us for the time being haha -Tyler and Lauren ❤️
#theforgehouse #ouroldhouse #pa #tiktoknews #fyp #storytime