If your child or speech client is Autistic and you’re wanting to help them with their expressive language in Stages 4/5/6, here’s a tip! ✅ Please note your child is likely not ready for questions until in NLA Stage 4. ✅ This is how I work on executive functioning with my clients to help them organize their thoughts and make plans or summarize what we did in speech: we make lists during the session talking about what my client chooses. ✅ If he chooses the iPad, we might say “Number 1…play with iPad”. ✅ This also helps with literacy, problem solving, grammar, vocabulary, and answering questions. ✅ What worked for the client I am describing in this video may not work for your client or child, but making schedules as your child chooses activities helps them with executive functioning (flexible thinking, self control) which helps set them up for success in the future. ✅ Keep in mind I ALWAYS prioritize sensory regulation and the child’s interests. This is never forced! Often times I am the one making the list like it’s no big deal…talking about what the child chooses to play with. I just love that the child today chose to make this list because he’s so interested in my dogs! 🐶
#parentingautism #gestaltlanguageprocessing #autismacceptance #echolalia #neurodiversityaffirming #gestaltlanguageprocessor #presumeintelligence #parentingautistickids #schoolslps