When I was a kid, my dad used to say all the time, “They don’t give you a manual or a book on parenting.” I’d always think to myself, “How hard can it really be? What’s so difficult about being a parent? Why would you even need a book?” Now, as the father of a teenager, I completely understand where he was coming from. There truly is no parenting book, no guide, nothing that guarantees you’ll get it all right. We’re all just winging it, doing the best we can. Sometimes we nail it; sometimes we miss the mark. I love both of my boys more than anything, but I’ll be honest—one of them is absolutely going to be the death of me. He’s a lot like me in so many ways, but he learns differently. He has dyslexia, and that impacts how he understands things, how he learns, how he reacts, and how he functions. It’s a whole different ballgame from what I’ve experienced in my own life, and I’m doing my best to be patient. But man, this kid is going to be the death of me. lol Can anybody else relate to this? Let me know in the comment section if you can relate to parenting and the challenges that come with it. And just a heads up—I did swear twice in this video, so I apologize in advance for that.
#ParentingTips #ParentingAdvice #ParentingChallenges #RaisingTeens #TeenParenting #DyslexiaParenting #ParentingJourney #ParentingStruggles #ParentingSupport #ParentingHelp #ParentingCommunity #ParentingRealTalk #ParentingLife #ParentingDifficulties #ParentingWithPatience @Bud Bruening