At only a few years old, Peppermint was taken to a shelter. The story told to the shelter is that she was attacked by a dog causing her injuries. Regardless of what happened, she was in horrible shape. I agreed to foster her, and we took on her case. We rushed Peppermint to a hospital expecting just a broken leg. Unfortunately, she couldn’t use either back leg and was in way worse condition than we even initially expected. She had CCL repair surgery on her back left leg and a hernia repair. They did scans to check for any spinal injuries, and luckily none were seen. After the surgeries, her sneezing and coughing got way worse, and she started to really refuse food. We moved her to another specialty hospital to ensure a second opinion and that we were doing everything we could. She was given a feeding tube and started to perk up. Once she was eating on her own, she headed to my house. Now that she’s here, she’s starting to use her back legs more every day. She lifts herself up on them to get to food or to ask for pets. She potties in one area on a potty pad in the back half of her pen, so we know she’s able to control her bowels. She’s sweet as can be. We have a journey ahead of us, but I’m excited to help her. To donate to Peppermint’s care: Venmo @ caitiesfosterfam
#CFFpeppermint #caitiesfosterfam #persian #persianrescue