We have found that the importance of wrist health is often overlooked and is rarely added into training programs. As you guys know, healthy wrists are essential for every type of sport and practice, including Surfing, Mountain Biking, Calisthenics, Kettlebell Training, Quadrupedal Locomotion, Martial Arts, and much more! Furthermore, good wrist mobility can also help to gain grip strength as well as potentially prevent wrist sprain or strain carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. ‼️By properly preparing your wrists you may also find awesome improvements and progress in movements like the lean forward push up, handstand push ups, and many other bodyweight exercises that you see on our page. Give these three drills a try before your next workout to increase your durability, strength, mobility and flexibility. 💡 These 4 movements are also great ones to use as decompression movements to down-regulate your nervous system post workout. As well as on your recovery day to keep yourself moving and those joints juicy! ⚡️2-3 Sets ⚡️A1. • Wrist Push Ups • 20 Reps ⚡️A2. • Wrist Peels • 5 Reps each direction ⚡️A3. • Wrist Circles • 10 Reps each direction ⚡️A4 • Side to Side • 20 Reps Durability is the Key to Longevity!
#mobilitytraining #wristhealth #longevity #phasesix