People always ask me, is it hard to start a business in Vietnam? Honestly, starting up in any industry is complicated. Whether a little or a lot, there will always be challenges. You have to fail sometimes to learn how to win. And for me, it’s not just about winning once—it’s about practicing, pushing, and trying until you can’t lose. I already had experience with real estate and beauty salons in the U.S., but stepping into the plastic surgery industry was a whole new level. I had to learn a lot, and I’m still learning every day. Even though I moved back to the U.S. because my kids’ health comes first, I relocated my facility inside a hospital so I could continue growing it from afar. I feel beyond blessed that clients from all over the world trust me and travel to Vietnam for their beauty transformations. Hoping 2025 will be the best year for me and for all of us! Happy Lunar New Year! 🏮✨
#VietnamBusiness #BeautyJourney #EntrepreneurMindset #PlasticSurgery #NeverStopGrowing #cuocsongmy #vietkieu #phunukinhdoanh #phunulamdep #bosslady #lamdep #dieukhaccothe #nangcapvong3 #tousaesthetic