Acellular slime molds
#Myxogastria fuse together to form one giant multinucleated cell, moving and crawling around their environment consuming organic matter in their path. As conditions dictate, they will start forming a spore bearing fruiting body called sporangia. Here you can see the plasmodium “breathing” in timelapse as the intracellular flow of cellular components shifts every ~90s in a process called cytoplasmic streaming. Slime molds display the ability to navigate 3D space, sense light, heat, humidity, food, etc.. The ability of slime mold to cooridnate sll of these senses across the sprawling plasmodium is termed “network intelligence”. Scientists have shown they can solve mazes, modeled dark matter models after plasmodium, and used them to map transport systems around the world. All hail the slime! . . . .
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