You might have had a shitty day, but was it getting a flat tire, then having to drive my husbands Jeep, and getting into an accident in it on the way to work kind of shitty day? I even made the local news, or so I’m told. Guy rear ended me at what appeared to be full speed on the SB 101 transition to I-10 at 7:00 am today. Four cars negatively impacted. Four lives negatively impacted. The guy that hit me was incredibly sweet. After being struck by his own airbag he came to check on me and the others. I even gave him a hug. I could tell he felt bad about what had happened. I went to the ER. Currently really damn sore. Thankful to be alive. It could have been so much worse - especially if I had have been in my car. I don’t think I would have walked away from that if I had been in the car.
#arizona #arizonacheck #caraccident #sorebutokay #accidentshappen #pleasepayattention