⭐️Please make sure to read everything so you don’t miss anything important! ⭐️ Its timeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I have been so excited as I created the give away for you all! I couldn’t decided on one. So I made you, not one….not two…but THREE little trash kittens! BUT there is something I would like you to do! Whoever ends up being the lucky winner of this giveaway, I want you to pick one for yourself, one to give to a loved one, and one to give to someone that you feel might need a little cheer this Christmas. As someone who has a huge heart for bringing joy to others, I not only want to bring joy to you all but for you all to spread the love and joy and remember the true meaning of Christmas this year! That being said, here is how you enter. ⭐️you need to follow me (if you’re not already) on my instagram @trashcattreasures ⭐️I want you to tag two friends and comment who you’re giving the remaining plushies to if you’re the lucky winner on the instagram giveaway post ⭐️share this post your instagram story Now, when and how will we find out who the lucky winner is? This coming Sunday (the 22nd) at 8pm EST I plan on going LIVE here on Instagram (which is why you need to be following me so you get notified) I will be doing a live drawing so we can all eagerly watch who the lucky winner is! I will also make sure to message the winner in case they happen to miss the drawing. If you’re the lucky winner, all I ask is you pay for shipping :) I love and appreciate all of you so much and thank you for helping to spread the Christmas cheer this year! Love you ,trash family!!! 🩷🥹🦝