I HAVE NEVER LIKED THE WORD “FORGIVE”. IT HAS NEVER WORKED FOR ME. The word “forgive” tricks most of us into thinking that what they did is now behind us and it’s all OK now.
No, it’s not OK now. It’s never gonna be OK now. As a confidence coach for women, yes it’s essential that you “forgive” those who have harmed you. We must do so to reclaim our serenity and to move on in our lives. But “forgiving” someone is tough. Use a different choice of words instead.
Say to yourself “I've done the therapy. I now choose to MOVE ON and not ruminate anymore about what they did to me. I no longer harbor resentment or white rage. It doesn't serve me. Instead, I look forward to …. “ Then fill in the blank with something joyful like going out to lunch with your college roommate today that you haven't seen in 20 years.
Forgiveness in my coaching program is making the commitment to “MOVE ON”, to let the experience go and to not let yourself get so triggered by the thought of the person or experience.
Simple but not easy. But it can be done. Move on my friend. It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
Like what you hear? Are you feeling stuck, unfulfilled, not very confident? How would your life change if you became mentally strong and resilient, despite all the chaos going on in the world? I can help. Click on the link in my bio and schedule a “LET’S MEET” complementary Zoom call today. I’d like to hear why what keeps you up at night and goals you keep missing. I'll share my coaching strategies for how you can win more in your life.
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