Relax Your Back with Meridian Healing
Back meridian massage targets key energy points along the spine to relieve muscle tension, improve blood flow, and promote overall wellness. This technique activates vital meridians like the Bladder Meridian and Du Mai, essential for energy flow throughout the body. By stimulating these pathways, the massage can reduce stress, alleviate pain, and enhance immunity. Regular sessions help balance the autonomic nervous system, improve posture, and increase vitality, while also enhancing skin elasticity and metabolic function. Experience the rejuvenating effects of back meridian massage for a healthier, more energized body.
Avoid applying excessive pressure on the spine; back massage should not be performed on individuals with skin damage, allergies, pregnancy or breastfeeding, children, fractures, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, severe varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, or any diseases related to the heart, lungs, liver, or kidneys.
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