
powerofislam hashtag performance

#powerofislam showcases the beauty, strength, and unity of the Muslim community. It promotes faith, inspiration, education, cultural exchange, resilience, compassion, empathy, awareness, and the positive impact of Islamic values globally.
Dua for the Start and the End of the Year يِاَمَنّ أجّاَب نُوْح فِي قَوُمِه يِاَمَن نَصَر إبَراهْيِم عَلَي أعَدَاء يِاَمَن رَد يِوُسف عَلَي يِعَقُوْب يِا مَن كَشَف ضُر أيِوُب، يِاَ مَن أجّاَب دَعَوُة زَكَرِيِا، يِا مَن قَبِل تَسبِيِح يِوُنَس إبن مَتَى، نَسَألُكَ اللَّهُمَّ بِأسَرَارِ أصَحَاب هَذِهِ الدَعَوُاَت المُسَتَجّاَبَات أن تَتَقَبَل مِنَا مَا بِهِ دَعَوُنَاك، وأنّ تَعَطِينَا مَا سَألَنَاك، وأنّ تَنّجِز لَنَا وعَدَكّ الذِي وعَدَتَهُ لِعَبَاَدك المُؤمِنِيْن. yamin ajab nuh fi qawmih yamin nasr abrahim eali aeada' yamin radi yusif eali yaequb ya min kashf dari ayuwbi, ya min 'ajab daewat zakaria, ya min qibal tasbih yunis aibn mataa, nas'aluk allahuma bi'asrar 'ashab hadhih aldaeawat almustajabat 'an tataqabal minaa ma bih daeunak, wa'an tuetina ma sa'alanaka, wa'an tanjaz lana waeduk aladhi waeadath lieibadik almuminina, O He who responded to Noah among his people, O He who helped Abraham over his enemies, O He who restored Joseph to Jacob, O He who removed the harm of Job, O He who responded to the call of Zechariah, O He who accepted the praise of Yunus ibn Matthew, we ask You, O Allah, through the secrets of those who have these answered supplications, to accept from us what we have called upon You for, and to give us what we asked of You, and fulfill for us the promise You made to your faithful servants. #dua #prayer #powerofdua #powerfuldua #powerofallah #allah #allahuakbar #powerofislam #islamicvideo #islam #muslim #muslimtiktok #bismillah #alhamdulillah #howtomakedua #duaoftheday #dailydua #fyp #duaforendofyear #duafornewyear #fyp
Dua for the Start and the End of the Year يِاَمَنّ أجّاَب نُوْح فِي قَوُمِه يِاَمَن نَصَر إبَراهْيِم عَلَي أعَدَاء يِاَمَن رَد يِوُسف عَلَي يِعَقُوْب يِا مَن كَشَف ضُر أيِوُب، يِاَ مَن أجّاَب دَعَوُة زَكَرِيِا، يِا مَن قَبِل تَسبِيِح يِوُنَس إبن مَتَى، نَسَألُكَ اللَّهُمَّ بِأسَرَارِ أصَحَاب هَذِهِ الدَعَوُاَت المُسَتَجّاَبَات أن تَتَقَبَل مِنَا مَا بِهِ دَعَوُنَاك، وأنّ تَعَطِينَا مَا سَألَنَاك، وأنّ تَنّجِز لَنَا وعَدَكّ الذِي وعَدَتَهُ لِعَبَاَدك المُؤمِنِيْن. yamin ajab nuh fi qawmih yamin nasr abrahim eali aeada' yamin radi yusif eali yaequb ya min kashf dari ayuwbi, ya min 'ajab daewat zakaria, ya min qibal tasbih yunis aibn mataa, nas'aluk allahuma bi'asrar 'ashab hadhih aldaeawat almustajabat 'an tataqabal minaa ma bih daeunak, wa'an tuetina ma sa'alanaka, wa'an tanjaz lana waeduk aladhi waeadath lieibadik almuminina, O He who responded to Noah among his people, O He who helped Abraham over his enemies, O He who restored Joseph to Jacob, O He who removed the harm of Job, O He who responded to the call of Zechariah, O He who accepted the praise of Yunus ibn Matthew, we ask You, O Allah, through the secrets of those who have these answered supplications, to accept from us what we have called upon You for, and to give us what we asked of You, and fulfill for us the promise You made to your faithful servants. #dua #prayer #powerofdua #powerfuldua #powerofallah #allah #allahuakbar #powerofislam #islamicvideo #islam #muslim #muslimtiktok #bismillah #alhamdulillah #howtomakedua #duaoftheday #dailydua #fyp #duaforendofyear #duafornewyear #fyp
Dua for the Month of Rajab اللَّهُمَّ اَغَفِر وأرحَم وتَجَاوُز عَمَا تَعلَم إنَك أنَتَ الأعَز الأكَرَم، اللَّهُمَّ إنَا نَتَبِرأ إلَيِك مِن حَوُلِنَا وقُوَتِنَا إلى حَوُلِكَ وقُوُتِك فَإنَهُ لاَ حَوُلَ ولاَ قُوة لنَا إلاَ بِك. اللَّهُمَّ إنَا نَسألَك خَيِر شَهر رجّب ونَعُوذ بِكَ مِن شَرُه ونَسَألُكَ فَوُاتِح الخَير وجّوُامِعَه فِي هَذا الشَهر الفَضِيِل. alllahumm aaghafir warham wtajawuz eama taelam 'inak anat alaeaz alakaram, alllahumm 'ina natabira 'ilayik min hawulina wquatina 'iilaa hawulik wquutik fa'inah la hawul wla qut lna 'ila bik. alllahumm 'ina nasalak khayir shahr rjjb wnaeudh bik min sharuh wnasaluk fawuatih alkhayr wjjwuamieah fi hadha alshahr alfadiil. Oh Allah, forgive us and have mercy on us and transcend what You know about us. You are the dearest and most generous. Oh Allah, we disavow before You those who are around us and our strength to Your ability and Your strength, for there is no power or strength but by You. Oh Allah, we ask You for the goodness of the month of Rajab, and we seek refuge in You from its evil, and we ask You to open all the possibilities for the good deeds in this holy month. #dua #prayer #powerofdua #powerfuldua #powerofallah #allah #allahuakbar #powerofislam #islamicvideo #islam #muslim #muslimtiktok #bismillah #alhamdulillah #howtomakedua #duaoftheday #dailydua #fyp #duaforrajab #rajab #holymonth
Dua for the Month of Rajab اللَّهُمَّ اَغَفِر وأرحَم وتَجَاوُز عَمَا تَعلَم إنَك أنَتَ الأعَز الأكَرَم، اللَّهُمَّ إنَا نَتَبِرأ إلَيِك مِن حَوُلِنَا وقُوَتِنَا إلى حَوُلِكَ وقُوُتِك فَإنَهُ لاَ حَوُلَ ولاَ قُوة لنَا إلاَ بِك. اللَّهُمَّ إنَا نَسألَك خَيِر شَهر رجّب ونَعُوذ بِكَ مِن شَرُه ونَسَألُكَ فَوُاتِح الخَير وجّوُامِعَه فِي هَذا الشَهر الفَضِيِل. alllahumm aaghafir warham wtajawuz eama taelam 'inak anat alaeaz alakaram, alllahumm 'ina natabira 'ilayik min hawulina wquatina 'iilaa hawulik wquutik fa'inah la hawul wla qut lna 'ila bik. alllahumm 'ina nasalak khayir shahr rjjb wnaeudh bik min sharuh wnasaluk fawuatih alkhayr wjjwuamieah fi hadha alshahr alfadiil. Oh Allah, forgive us and have mercy on us and transcend what You know about us. You are the dearest and most generous. Oh Allah, we disavow before You those who are around us and our strength to Your ability and Your strength, for there is no power or strength but by You. Oh Allah, we ask You for the goodness of the month of Rajab, and we seek refuge in You from its evil, and we ask You to open all the possibilities for the good deeds in this holy month. #dua #prayer #powerofdua #powerfuldua #powerofallah #allah #allahuakbar #powerofislam #islamicvideo #islam #muslim #muslimtiktok #bismillah #alhamdulillah #howtomakedua #duaoftheday #dailydua #fyp #duaforrajab #rajab #holymonth
Dua to Increase Health & Blessings الَّلهُمَّ أرزُقَنَا حَمّداً يَمّلأ المِيزِان ‏وشُكراً يَزيدُنَا فِي الإحَساَن ‏وَتَوُبَةً صَاَدَقةً تَدُخَّلَنَا بِهَا  الجّنَانَ  ‏ونُوُرَاً وهِدَايِةً بِالإيمَِان ‏وُصَحةً وعَافِيةً فِي الأبَدَاَن ‏بِرَِحَمَتِك يِاَ عَزِيِز  يِاَ رَحَمَنً. allalhumm arzuqana hammdaan yammla almizian ‏wshukraan yazyduna fi al'ihasaan ‏watawubatan saadaqtan tadukhalana biha aljjnan ‏wnuuraan whidayitan bial'iymaian ‏wusahtan weafitan fi alabadaan ‏biraihamatik yia eaziiz yia rahamanan. O Allah, grant us praise that fills the scale, gratitude that increases our good deeds, sincere repentance that will admit us to Paradise, light and guidance through faith, health and wellness in our bodies, by Your mercy, O Mighty, O Most Merciful. #dua #prayer #powerofdua #powerfuldua #powerofallah #allah #allahuakbar #powerofislam #islamicvideo #islam #muslim #muslimtiktok #bismillah #alhamdulillah #howtomakedua #duaoftheday #dailydua #fyp #duaforhealth #duaforblessings
Dua to Strengthen Your Imaan  اللَّهُمَّ يِاَ ذَا الحَبل الشَدِيِد والأمَر الرَشّيِد أسَألَك الأمَن يِومَ الوُعِيد، والجّنَة دَار الخُلْوُد، مَع المُقَربِيِن الشُهْوُد، والرْكَع السَجّوُد، والمُوَفِين بِالَعُهْود، إنَكَ رَؤوف ودُود، أنَتَ تَفَعَل مَا تُريِد، سُبَحَان الذِي تَعَطَّف بالعَز وقَال بِه، سُبَحَان الذِي لَبِسَ المَجّدَ وتَكَرَم بِه، سُبَحَان الذِي لاَ يِنَبِغِي التَسبِيِح إلاَ لَهُ، سُبِحَان ذِي الفَضّل والنَعَم، سُبِحَان ذِي العَزة والكَرم، سُبِحَان الذِي أحَصَى كُل شَيءٍ بِعَلمِه. alllahumm yia dha alhabl alshadiid walamar alrashshyid asalak alaman yiwm alwueid, waljjnat dar alkhulwud, mae almuqarbiin alshuhwud, walrkae alsajjwud, walmuafin bialaeuhwd, 'inak rawwf wdud, anat tafaeal ma turyid subahan aldhi taeataf baleaz wqal bih, subahan aldhi labis almajjd wtakaram bih, subahan aldhi la yinabighi altasbiih 'ila lahu, subihan dhi alfaddl walnaeam, subihan dhi aleazt walkarm, subihan aldhi ahasaa kul shay' biealmih. O Allah, O Possessor of the strong rope and the right command, I ask You for security on the Day of Threat, and Paradise, the eternal home, with the witnesses who are brought near, those who bow and prostrate, and those who fulfill their covenants. Indeed, You are Kind and Loving. You do what You want. Glory be to Him who is adorned with glory and spoke of it, glory be to Him who is clothed in glory and is honored by it, glory be to Him who alone deserves glorification, glory be to Him who is the possessor of grace and blessings, glory be to Him who is the possessor of glory and generosity, glory be to Him who has counted everything with His knowledge. #dua #prayer #powerofdua #powerfuldua #powerofallah #allah #allahuakbar #powerofislam #islamicvideo #islam #muslim #muslimtiktok #bismillah #alhamdulillah #howtomakedua #duaoftheday #dailydua #fyp #duaforiman #duatostrengtheniman
Dua to Strengthen Your Imaan اللَّهُمَّ يِاَ ذَا الحَبل الشَدِيِد والأمَر الرَشّيِد أسَألَك الأمَن يِومَ الوُعِيد، والجّنَة دَار الخُلْوُد، مَع المُقَربِيِن الشُهْوُد، والرْكَع السَجّوُد، والمُوَفِين بِالَعُهْود، إنَكَ رَؤوف ودُود، أنَتَ تَفَعَل مَا تُريِد، سُبَحَان الذِي تَعَطَّف بالعَز وقَال بِه، سُبَحَان الذِي لَبِسَ المَجّدَ وتَكَرَم بِه، سُبَحَان الذِي لاَ يِنَبِغِي التَسبِيِح إلاَ لَهُ، سُبِحَان ذِي الفَضّل والنَعَم، سُبِحَان ذِي العَزة والكَرم، سُبِحَان الذِي أحَصَى كُل شَيءٍ بِعَلمِه. alllahumm yia dha alhabl alshadiid walamar alrashshyid asalak alaman yiwm alwueid, waljjnat dar alkhulwud, mae almuqarbiin alshuhwud, walrkae alsajjwud, walmuafin bialaeuhwd, 'inak rawwf wdud, anat tafaeal ma turyid subahan aldhi taeataf baleaz wqal bih, subahan aldhi labis almajjd wtakaram bih, subahan aldhi la yinabighi altasbiih 'ila lahu, subihan dhi alfaddl walnaeam, subihan dhi aleazt walkarm, subihan aldhi ahasaa kul shay' biealmih. O Allah, O Possessor of the strong rope and the right command, I ask You for security on the Day of Threat, and Paradise, the eternal home, with the witnesses who are brought near, those who bow and prostrate, and those who fulfill their covenants. Indeed, You are Kind and Loving. You do what You want. Glory be to Him who is adorned with glory and spoke of it, glory be to Him who is clothed in glory and is honored by it, glory be to Him who alone deserves glorification, glory be to Him who is the possessor of grace and blessings, glory be to Him who is the possessor of glory and generosity, glory be to Him who has counted everything with His knowledge. #dua #prayer #powerofdua #powerfuldua #powerofallah #allah #allahuakbar #powerofislam #islamicvideo #islam #muslim #muslimtiktok #bismillah #alhamdulillah #howtomakedua #duaoftheday #dailydua #fyp #duaforiman #duatostrengtheniman

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