#1 thing I hear from students who join Psychic School. It is not a tangible thing. Something you dictate what it is. Or give exact details. And to the ones not in- tune it will come across vague or maybe even misunderstood. And to those who are tuned into their intuition and who speak the language of ENERGY (even if you don't know it yet- and if you didn't know you did- this is me telling you that DO - trust yourself- what you are hearing / feeling is true). And this
#1 thing I hear my students say is... "I don't know why but I just FEEL, I just KNOW that I need this." And that right there my love, that is your intuition communicating to you. Your higher self, your Angels, your spirit guides, loved ones on the other side, they are speaking to you. They know that what you are about to beckon on is going to change your life. They (your spiritual team) knows that you will be 💫 Hearing them connect with you better 💫 Trust yourself like you've never trusted yourself before 💫 Feel more peace, calm, joy, groundedness in your body And the fringe benefits that are a side effect is that ♥️Your relationships are going to change ♥️ Your family dynamics will begin to heal ♥️ You'll love yourself more and validate yourself more ♥️ You'll have more certainty, confidence, and trust not only on yourself but every direction and choice you make moving forward And my favorite part is the friendships and spiritual family you will create be being in this container. And that is what your intuition, that "I just feel, I just know I'm suppose to do this" feeling is saying. And I know Because I've been teaching this for 7 years and have watched this outcome over and over again. And on a personal note, it is the most rewarding, soul nourishing thing to experience, watch, witness, be a leader of. So I invite you, if you are having that same feeling send me a personal message, let's talk. I'm curious to see what your why will become! I love you all, And may we all listen to our intuition! Love, Mel
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