Here’s how you are going to do it (save now, so you can refer to this periodically)👇🏼 (First, follow on I.G for LOTS MORE) become addicted to these 3 habits in the next 6 months: 1️⃣ Mindset work. healing from “diet mentality” is HARD work, but its also the work that will help you transform into the woman of your dreams. Read these 3 books in the next 6x months (in order) 📚 A few of my favorites: - The Compound Effect (helps healing from “quick fix mentality”) - 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think (bite sized reading that has helped me transform my mind) - Atomic Habits (setting realistic habits that last) 2️⃣ Be consistent with your eating (and by this I mean, HIT your macro goals). If you are not hitting your macro goals, you cannot expect your body to respond. comment or dm me “macro calculator” and I’ll send you the calcualtor to get started 3️⃣ Apply the 80/20 rule. You by NO means have to cut out ANY food item you love. I eat chocolate DAILY. Fill 80% of your macros with nutrient dense foods & 20% with those foods GOOD for the soul.
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