#greenscreen How many 'big
#cities' are in your
#state? This map shows the number of cities per state to have >100,000 residents. Now, unfortunately, in the
#UnitedStates, we sorta have a problem with how we measure the 'size' of cities, since the city limits often donāt reflect the number of people who live AROUND a city, for example, the city of
#Maine, has 65,000 residents in the city itself, but the
#metro has over 500,000 people. In fact, in
#Vermont, and
#WestVirginia, there are metro's above 100k (namely
#Wilmington #DE,
#Burlington #VT, and
#Charleston and
#Huntington #WV, respectively), whereas
#Wyoming is the only state to arguably not have one, as the
#Cheyenne metro (which is just
#Laramie #County) only hit 100k in the last few years or so.
#California, the most populous state, has the most cities this size at 75, naturally followed by the next most populous states of
#Texas with 43,
#Florida with 27, and
#NewYork with 16, while
#Arizona sneaks in at
#5 thanks to the
#Phoenix #metroarea having so many absurdly large suburbs.
#Colorado is quite similar, as the
#Denver metro has 8 suburbs over 100k. There are 8 states with only 1 city this large, and they are
#Montana (
#NorthDakota (
#SouthDakota (
#Hawaii (
#Alaska (
#NewHampshire (
#RhodeIsland (
#Providence), and perhaps surprisingly, the 33rd most populous state,
#Mississippi, which only has
#Jackson. If anything, this map is an interesting example of how maps are a useful tool for data manipulation, as the qualifications for this map are quite definition-based, and slightly misleading without the added context of what metro areas are.
#geography #geographyjoe #states #usa #us #metropolitan #city #population #populationmap #ohio #massive