Looking at this...you might have a lot of feelings. This is the new @Roborock Saros Z70, the world's first mass-produced Robot Vacuum cleaner with an OmniGrip intelligent and foldable robotic arm. The robot vacuum's precision sensors and AI training can detect obstacles in its way, pick up objects weighing 300 grams or less, and move them off to the side or to a designated area you set. Eventually, you can train it to recognize and detect particular objects. That'll be great for all the cat toys that get lost everywhere. When we received our initial demo a month ago, before the official announcement, people had many feelings. Some were terrified of our future robot overlords, and some, like me, were stoked about this. Hopefully, it can be super strong in future generations and move chairs aside, but some might think that's the thing of nightmares. But what do you think? Let me know in the comments!
#roborock #ces #ces2025 #roborocksarosz70 #sarosz70 #robotvacuum #vacuum #smarthome