Shark finning Bycatch from industrial fishing targeted shark fishing & marine debris Most people don’t support the shark fin trade or engage in shark fishing but many are unaware of the impact their consumer choice of purchasing seafood is likely having on shark and other marine life populations. The reported statistics 📈 are that for every one targeted fish caught on a longline they will kill 9+ other marine animals and while a majority of them are likely sharks attracted to the baited hooks they also kill hundreds of thousands or more sea birds, turtles, dolphins, seals, and sometimes even whales. The large industrial fishing fleets who use methods like longline fishing, pursein nets, and bottom trolling often operate far offshore and so the devastation that goes hand in hand with their operations is out of sight and subsequently out of mind completely for most even well meaning people. As you can probably imagine a lost net drifting in the ocean could continue to kill for generations. Do yourself, marine life, and future generations a favor and help get regulations passed to limit the impacts of industrial fishing & vote with your purchases. 🎥 cred @juansharks
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