The 💉 craze has completely shifted how we perceive bodies, and it’s exhausting. Someone assumed I must be taking a GLP-1, and while I’m not, this isn’t about shaming those who do. I have friends who take it, and I fully support their choices. But for me, it’s not an option. My past with ED means I can’t measure my worth by a scale or let my entire personality revolve around weight loss again. I choose movement from a place of body neutrality, no weigh-ins, no before-and-afters, just feeling good in my skin. It’s wild how quickly society has started viewing any body that doesn’t fit the new ‘standard’ as one that must be medicated. But my body is not a problem to fix. And neither is yours. ❤️ If you’re on a journey of self-love, body neutrality, and healing from toxic beauty standards, you’re in the right place. Follow along for more honest conversations @shelbysaywhatblog
#bodyneutrality #selflove #selflovejourney #midsize