#ShotShow showcases the latest in firearms, outdoor gear, and tactical innovations. Enthusiasts, industry experts, and brands connect, sharing insights on products, trends, and technology in the shooting sports community.
I will be at the Patriot Tactical booth #43951 on Wednesday, January 22, during the Las Vegas SHOT Show from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Join me for a meet and greet where we can chat about all things tactical and gear-related. Plus, don’t miss your chance to enter our raffle for some amazing knives and gear from Patriot Tactical! You won't want to pass up these fantastic prizes. Mark your calendars and stop by to say hello! Looking forward to seeing you there! 🔪 #SHOTShow#PatriotTactical#MeetAndGreet#dougmarcaida#forgedinfire#patriottactical
Attention all #SHOTshow attendees! 🚨 Prepare to get locked & loaded at Machine Guns Vegas and @SapphireLV702 with ‘Brass and Ass’ Bachelor party packages! 🍑 🔫 Shoot the M4, MP5 and the Glock 17 🚕 Complimentary transportation to and from Sapphire 🎫 Admission to Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club ⬇ BOOK NOW ⬇ 💻: machinegunsvegas.com ☎️: 1(800)757-4668