I was diagnosed with colon cancer, they took out the tumor in my sigma colon 7 to 8 months ago. Once I learned I was cancer-free, I was overjoyed; my daughters got their mom back. I had been in and out of the hospital from 2017 to 2024. I was losing my hair and teeth from the medications that kept me alive. I spent so much time in the hospital that it felt like I lived there more than at home. My daughters had to witness my constant sickness, and I missed so much of their lives because of it. During Thanksgiving, I started feeling violently ill again with severe headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and blurry vision. I couldn't eat. My bowls are not working right after the surgery. I'm so scared Ito go through this again. I'm afraid my girls might not have a mom anymore. 😭 God please don't make me go through this again 😭🙏🏻 please I beg you.
#cancer #cancersucks #scared #sickagain #sick #terrified #godpleasehelpme #healme