“But there’s just not enough time.” “I’m too busy to worry about myself.” “I’ll get to it later.” 👀 I hear these excuses all the time from business owners when it comes to their self care. ✋ Many entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders come to me looking for strategies to grow - that’s the easy part and we can most certainly do that. ✅ What I find most is that they’re pouring from empty cups. How can you lead your business well when you’re not taking care of yourself first? You can’t. You will burnout. I know because I’ve been there. But when I make myself a priority, my business ALWAYS does better. Even when I feel like there’s not enough time. I do it anyway and it ALWAYS works in my favor. 🙌 🤸♀️That’s exactly why I’ve added a health & wellness club to the Business BFF Academy to keep members accountable to their own self-care. Doing it alone can be hard. Having a community to back you up…that’s where the magic happens. 🪄 Comment HEALTH and I’ll send you the link to sign up at a LIFETIME 50% discount. 🤯
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