This may sound a little hippy dippy but it worked so well for me. ✨✨ I started practicing daily affirmations (or mantras). ✨✨ And before you totally write this off, just know that there have been studies done using brain imaging that show affirmations have the power to increase activity in the areas of the brain where you actually identify your “self” and if you see yourself in a positive way. How do I practice my daily affirmations (or mantras)? In a few ways. 1️⃣ Each morning, I write my daily affirmations in my journal and then I say them out loud. I always have one about my sobriety. When I started, I simply wrote down, “I do not drink.” It was simple and it worked. Today, I write down, “I know that my sobriety is important, and I put in the work each day to stay sober.” 2️⃣ I had certain phrases that I would repeat when I was having a craving or was feeling anxious about staying alcohol free. These lend themselves more to what we think of as mantras, but they helped retrain my brain to see myself as a non-drinker just like my affirmations. Some of those included, “Drinking will not help this, it will only hurt this.” And “I am stronger than alcohol.” Ready to retrain your mindset when it comes to ditching alcohol? 👉👉 Head to the link in my bio and download my FREE 10 mantras that I used the most at the beginning of my journey. . . . . .
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