Some men can master the art of war but don’t have a clue when it comes to love because the secrets of life, love and combat await the eyes unclouded by ambition… Those who are bound by self desires see only that which can be held in their hands. This is the final level where the spirit takes over from the mind and guides the body without thought. Someone who has reached this final level could make everything he does in his life glow, the beauty he would be able to create would be without bounds, endless. When a person has lived. practiced and trained enough to truly master yourself you can perform it expertly without having to plan or even think about it. Something happens, your mind, body, spirit, just reacts quicker than you can imagine. When you’ve truly reached this level it really does feel like you’re glowing. It’s a beautiful thing. It’s like opening a fortune cookie without a fortune, written by a master who does not exist, to find a solution to a problem whose answers you already know there is one place that you have not looked and that’s within, and it is there, only there that you shall find the truth in life, love and the truth in combat.
#MASTERSTUDENT #Godsplan #spiritualwarfare #sonsofGod