Save this post for later! In-laws dropping by?? Plumber making a house call?? Unexpected visitors?? Here’s how to get your home clean in 15 minutes! This was the most fast paced hectic video ever so here’s a breakdown: For this speed clean we will be focusing on rooms your guests will see so entryway, guest bathroom, kitchen and living room. Paying special attention to surfaces and visual clutter. 1. Grab a laundry basket, a smaller basket, disinfecting spray & a rag. 2. Go to the guest bathroom and spray down the toilet and sink. 3. While that sits, head to the living room. Using the smaller basket toss in all the toys. Sit that basket out of the way, like in the corner. Move onto the kitchen sink. 4. Moving quickly, get the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. Don’t worry about soaking or extra rinsing. We don’t have time for that. Once the dishes are loaded, scrub the sink. Move onto the visual clutter. 5. Grab your basket and toss everything sitting on the surfaces your guests will see into the basket. Then move onto the guest bathroom. 6. Using your rag, wipe the toilet top to bottom. Use your toilet and in the bowl. Wash your hands and then wipe down the sink. Replace the hand towel and empty the trash tossing both the soiled towel and the trash bag into your basket. 7. Grab your basket and head to the entryway. Any excess coats and shoes get tossed into the basket and put in a closet or in the laundry room until after your guests leave. 8. Final task is to wipe down the surfaces. That’s it! 15 minutes speed clean finished!
#cleaning #clean #tips #speedclean #entertaining #basketmethod #organization