Toy History: Released in 1980 by Kenner, The Rebel Armored Snowspeeder vehicle is notable for its front guns, which light up and emit sound effects, as well as its pop-down landing gear feature. It also included a "harpoon" accessory attached to its rear, which is often missing from loose examples. The toy is commonly found loose, though typically incomplete. Boxed versions are more collectible, and Kenner produced two distinct box designs for the Snowspeeder. The initial version featured a pink background, while a later release used a blue background with a different photo. The blue box variant is significantly rarer. Additionally, in 1980, a "Special Offer" version was made available to larger retailers, including a free Rebel Soldier figure and marked with a yellow sticker on the box. In the mid-1990s, Hasbro reused the molds for a newer rendition of the vehicle, but they included modifications that distinguish it from the original Kenner release. Link to buy this exact item using my eBay affiliate link: I make commissions on qualified purchases with no added cost to you. It supports my channel and allows me to keep making content for you, so thank you!
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