Which one surprises / worries you the most? A recent study in The Lancet found that 75% of Americans are classified as overweight or obese. This is the most concerning to me as a healthcare provider. While we can recommend healthy lifestyle choices to our patients, I'm hopeful that this year our lawmakers can help us out by improving the safety profile of the food products / additives allowed in America, several of which are banned in other countries. Yes, I'm talking about you, red food dye
#3! I trust that @robertfkennedyjr and surgeon general nominee @drjanette will make this a priority to improve the health of our country. As for burnout, it's unfortunate that about half of doctors or more report being burned out. Without a doubt, the biggest source of stress for healthcare providers in the healthcare system is the conflict between us and insurance companies. Roughly 20% of what we recommend gets denied by insurance. This is an alarming statistic to say the least, and I'm hopeful that @dr_oz as the nominated head of the Centers for Medicare/Medicaid (and others in legislation) will tackle this issue in 2025. Health insurance reform is long overdue. Lastly, regarding orthopedic surgeons not being able to find their stethoscopes, this has been a chronic issue for many many years. I don't know if there is a good solution. Perhaps @corycalendinemd can shed some light on this issue and the EKG reading issue as well. Despite its many issues, I'm hopeful overall that the US healthcare system and the health of Americans in general can make a comeback in 2025.
#statistics #healthcare #healthcareworkers #rfk #surgeongeneral #government #foodsupply #obesity