In just a few days, teams from all over Arkansas will compete in the 2025 World Championship Snow Goose Conservation Hunt, presented by Mack’s Prairie Wings and Ducks Unlimited! After the hunt, the birds will be brought back to Mack’s Prairie Wings for counting and donated to Arkansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry, where they’ll be used to create snack sticks for backpack programs across the state. Click the link below (or in our bio) to learn how you can get a chance to win a team prize valued at up to $53,000 on February 2nd, 2025. See you there! Sponsors: Mack’s Prairie Wings, Ducks Unlimited, Benelli, Stoeger, Winchester, PatternMaster, Banded, Avery, GHG, Drake, Sitka, Yeti, EcoXGear, Lucky Duck, Higdon, Streamlight, & Arkansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry.
#TheHuntBeginsHere #MacksPW #MPW #DucksUnlimited