The New Abnormal used to be the album I used to listen to before every single track meet before I got injured. Pole vaulting was hella stressful not going to lie and every meet was a tad bit terrifying, but when I put my headphones on and listened to this album and this album only, idk it felt like everything calmed down and clicked. Why was it this album? I don't have the slightest idea. I don't listen to The Strokes as much as I did back then but now when I do it just brings back nostalgia to not even so long ago, it brings me back to a time where I actually felt like I was really good at something, where I could see my hard work actually be represented in real time. I miss that feeling and I would do anything to get it back. I felt useless after my injury, I felt like I put so much time into a sport for no reason at all, I sacrificed a lot of things for it, and for it to end so quickly and suddenly had to have been one of the worst parts of my life. I wanted to commit to a school for pole vault and continue through it in college and that dream was over. I vividly remember when I was in the ambulance I could care less about what was wrong with me and was just sobbing because subconsciously I just knew I would never be able to do the sport ever again. Regardless of that fact I thank The New Abnormal for helping me get to where I was, and there has to be some existential thread connecting me to this album, as if fate bestowed it upon me. So basically what I'm trying to say is I understand The Strokes more than anyone else obviously, they made this album for me. Losers.
#fyp #music #recommendations #thestrokes #thenewabnormal #garagerock