💕Lately I’ve been trying to make some sense of all that’s happened to my body, mind, heart, relationships & spirit these past 5.5 years thanks to breast cancer, 15 surgeries, and all the lasting chronic issues I deal with daily. I’ve had 2 months of feeling “better” than I had been, relatively speaking, and I needed a BREAK from all the Drs, treatments, therapies, from talking or thinking or dealing with it all. 🤯 So I’ve been away from social media for the past couple months, in addition to cutting out many things I know can trigger my chronic issues & avoiding anything health related as much as I could. 😌 Of course I couldn’t keep it up forever, and this week I’m back to Dr appointments, blood work, new meds, and having to think and feel and deal with it all. 😑 👉🏻It has me wondering “What just HAPPENED these past years?” And who and how am I NOW? Trying to make sense of cancer or mental or chronic illness is tough, because so much is nonsensical. 😵💫 👉🏻All I know for sure right now is: I have more good days than I have had in years. I still have many rough hours or days or even weeks. I’m not “all better” & I probably won’t ever be. I am doing all I can to be as healthy as possible. I needed a break and I’m so glad I’ve had it! My symptoms are telling me I’m still not where I’d like to be, & I know it’s time to dive in and deal with it all again. I keep moving forward an inch at a time, a snail, day by day, learning a new way to be me. 🐌 It’s a lifelong process I’m only just beginning. I need and welcome understanding, empathy and support. I walk this road with so many of you & hope you know you’re not alone. 🫂 That’s what I’m working on. ❤️ ❓How about you?
#breastcancerwarrior #lifeafterbreastcancer #potssyndrome #mastcellactivationsyndrome #chronicwarrior #ehlersdanlossyndrome #breastcancerjourney #breastcancerjourney #BreastCancerAwareness #brca1 #breastcancermentalhealth #chronicillnessmentalhealth #thisishowwegrow