Click the link in my bio to find my Root Cause Assessment, to help figure out what’s causing your Head, Neck or Jaw problems. Do you clench or grind your teeth? Or if you’re not positive that you do, here would be some other signs…. Jaw, pain, side of head, headaches, temple, pain, sore teeth, ringing in the ears or neck pain. We also see dizziness and brain fog in chronic clench or grinders. Heres what you can do about it. First of all, the positioning of our teeth and jaw can increase or decrease the likelihood that we grind which is why the resting jaw posture is so important. Another important thing to consider is ways to breathe properly to down regulate or cool off our body and entire nervous system. Also featured in this video is a strategy before bed that I’ve been using with clients to allow their muscles of the head neck and jaw as well as entire system to relax, decreasing the tendency to clamp down at night. One other thing not mentioned in the video that is important to consider is to always be using a night guard to protect your teeth. Give the strategies a try and let me know how it goes!
#dentist #dental #tmj #tmd #tmjdisorder #teethgrinding #dentistry #jawpain